New LUCAS 3 Devices Placed In Service.
By Captain Matt Tomlins
January 25, 2021

Lower Somerset EMS is proud to announce that we have placed in service new LUCAS 3 devices on all units. A LUCAS device is a piece of equipment that conducts chest compressions on persons that are in cardiac arrest. This historically has been done by personnel performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, more commonly known as CPR. With the new LUCAS devices this frees personnel up to conduct other life saving procedures concurrently while chest compressions are being conducted.

This state of the art equipment was purchased using the COVID Cares grant that was awarded to the squad recently from the State of Maryland. The costs of a LUCAS 3 devices is around $15,000 each.

Lower Somerset EMS is committed to providing the best life saving service and emergency care. Through purchasing equipment such as the LUCAS 3 device we remain current with new technology and equipment. This allows us to provide the best possible care to all patients. Please click the link below to learn more on the LUCAS 3 devices.

Hyperlinks: Stryker LUCAS 3 Devices