Lower Somerset EMS Receives Seal of Excellence from MIEMSS.
By Captain Matt Tomlins
March 9, 2021

Lower Somerset EMS is proud to announce that we have been certified through the Maryland Institute of Emergency Medical Services Systems better known as MIEMSS with the Seal of Excellence. This volunteer inspection is paramount to ensure that we can provide the best possible service to our patients through standards and having appropriate equipment identified by MIEMSS.

An excerpt from the MIEMMS website says:

"The Voluntary Ambulance Inspection Program (VAIP) serves to formally recognize, and make readily apparent to the public, those emergency response vehicles in Maryland that are equipped to a standard of excellence as defined by the program’s inspection guidelines. Compliance with the VAIP requirements satisfies the requirements for medical director review of ambulance equipment under COMAR Title"

For more information on the VAIP program and its requirements please visit the MIEMSS page by clicking the link below.

Hyperlinks: MIEMSS Seal of Excellence Program