Operational and Administrative Officers Elected For 2021-2022.
By General Release
June 2, 2021

The members of Lower Somerset EMS conducted the final round of elections last night during our regular business meeting. On the operational side the Captain is voted in by the membership during the May meeting and takes office on June 1. The first meeting in June all administrative officers are elected and the Captain announces who the operational officers will be for the following year.

The below are the operational/administrative officers that were elected/appointed for the 2021/2022 term:


Captain - Matt Tomlins
1st Lieutenant - Jordon McCready
2nd Lieutenant - Karis Reynolds
Chief Engineer - John Townsend
Asst. Chief Engineer - Bill Reynolds
Communications Officer - (Vacant)
Training Coordinator - (Vacant)


President - George Nelson
Vice President - Alyssa Reynolds
Treasurer - Scott Ward
Chaplain - Dean Goldsborough