Lower Somerset EMS Celebrates its Annual Awards and Christmas Party.
By Captain Matt Tomlins
December 14, 2022

The officers and members of Lower Somerset EMS celebrated Christmas during our annual awards ceremony. During this celebration the Department recognizes its top performers.

This year’s awards went to the following members:

Top Providers (EMT):

3 - Second Lieutenant Karis White - 97 calls
2 - First Lieutenant Jordon McCready - 144 calls
1 - Captain Matt Tomlins - 154 calls

Top Drivers:

3 - Robert Hunt - 81 calls
2 - Franny Carson - 92 calls
1 - Rick Cauble - 112 calls

500 Call Club:

Driver Troy Whidbee

1000 Call Club:

Captain Matt Tomlins

1500 Call Club:

Driver Robert Hunt

Stork Award (for delivering a baby):

Rick Cauble

5 Year Member:

Driver Troy Whidbee

35 Year Member:

President George Nelson

40 Year Member:

Brent Morgan
Johnny Townsend

The department congratulates all award winners and would like to thank the continued dedication of all members of the department.